About Me

My photo
A random passenger along the highways and sideroads of life-looking at the world through a different set of eyes. I am slowly putting together this history of masks mainly for my own interest-a labour of love if you will, and also to explore the nature of masks, and how they have shaped our world.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tailed off on posting a bit towards the end of August into Labor day weekend-will get some more sheets up and updating current ones as new "arrivals" come in and get reorganized-so you might see what looks like an older page, but will have updated info/new mask ect.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Morticia Addams

Lillian Munster

Some minor tweaking today: a bit of editing of masks in the "Jackie O-Wonder Woman" section, Lillian Munster has been separated from technically two other masks, who have now been more accurately referred to as "Morticia Addams". Shortly will be posting Info sheets for for Lillian and Morticia

Monday, July 8, 2013

Beginning a WIP idea for a mask museum. There will be lots of alterings and changes, but just trying to get a feel for how this would all work-stay tuned, and I hope I can get this going and keep it going the way I wish! :)

Mask Info Sheet: Annie

Group Sheets Annie to Jackie Onassis

Annie to Jackie Onassis